tekst preuzet sa bloga Living in Serbia
Zvezdana Jurica, devojčica iz Pančeva, boluje od retkog oboljenja nervnog sistema – Batenove bolesti. U medicinskim enciklopedijama ćete videti da je ona fatalna.
No, lek ipak postoji.
Kineska bolnica Tiantan Puhua International Hospital u Pekingu jedina uspešno tretira ovu bolest korišćenjem matičnih ćelija. Ne radi se samo o produžavanju života, već i o mogućnosti da se organizam u velikoj meri oporavi od ove bolesti.
Zvezdana je već imala 4 tretmana, a njihove rezultate, kao i sve ostale potrebne informacije možete da dobijete na ovom sajtu.
U čitavu akciju se uključio i košarkaš Darko Miličić, on je finansirao jednu terapiju. Sve pohvale za gest!
No, svaka terapija košta 32 000 evra i mora da se primenjuje na svakih šest meseci. Ne moram da trošim reči koliko su to velike pare i kako su roditelji uopšte uspeli da nađu sredstva za ove ranije terapije.
Ministarstvo zdravlja, naravno, ćuti.
Zato smo se i mi blogeri uključili u akciju. Hoćemo da pomognemo, ne dozvoljavamo da pare budu prepreka.
Ne očekujemo da date novac, vremena su teška, jedva sastavljamo kraj s krajem. Ali očekujemo da se angažujete i raspitate kod poznanika, sigurno da postoje firme ili dobrostojeći pojedinci bi mogli i želeli da pomognu.
Za početak, imamo sliku, poklon slikara Save Stojkova. Organizovali smo javnu aukciju. Početna cena je 200 evra, a widget za nadmetanje naći ćete na bloguverkic koja je i pokrenula ovu akciju među blogerima. Tamo ćete naći i sve ostale neophodne informacije, pre svega koga kontaktirati, brojeve računa i sve ostalo.
Razmislite koga poznajete, pitajte, širite krug onih koji su upoznati sa situacijom. Nikad se ne zna.
Zajedno možemo sve! Potpisujem!
slika preuzeta sa bloga Dzepna Venera
Pozivam sve blogere, da na svojim blogovima objave sliku – kombinovane tehnike, monotipiju našeg poznatog slikara Save Stojkova. Pokrenimo na taj način humanitarnu akciju #ZajednoZaZvezdanu.
Site with bidding widget here |
Zvezdana Jurica, a girl from Pancevo, suffers from a rare disease of the nervous system – Batten disease. In medical encyclopedias you’ll find that it is fatal.
But there is a cure.
Chinese Tiantan Puhua InternationalHospital in Beijing is the only one that successfully treats the disease using stem cells. It’s not just about prolonging life, we’re talking about the possibility that her organism is largely recovered from the disease.
But there is a cure.
Chinese Tiantan Puhua InternationalHospital in Beijing is the only one that successfully treats the disease using stem cells. It’s not just about prolonging life, we’re talking about the possibility that her organism is largely recovered from the disease.
The girl already had 4 treatments and their positive results, together with any other kind of information you might want to see regarding this case, you will find from this website.
Serbian basketball player Darko Milicic already helped by financing one treatment. Well done Darko!
However, each treatment costs 32 000 Euros and must be applied every six months. I needn’t waste words to explain how big this sum of money is for the family, and I truly admire Zvezdana’s parents for putting so much effort to collect it for the first four therapies.
Serbian Ministry of Health is, of course, silent.
So, Serbian bloggers are in action again! We simply won’t let such thing like money become an obstacle for a life!
We do not expect you to give money, times are tough and we’re all struggling to survive. But we sincerely expect and hope you would consider talking to your friends and think about people or companies who might be in a position to help.
For a start, we have a painting, a present from a well-known Serbian painter. He wants to help this way too, and we’re so grateful and proud of him. His name is Sava Stojkov.
Serbian basketball player Darko Milicic already helped by financing one treatment. Well done Darko!
However, each treatment costs 32 000 Euros and must be applied every six months. I needn’t waste words to explain how big this sum of money is for the family, and I truly admire Zvezdana’s parents for putting so much effort to collect it for the first four therapies.
Serbian Ministry of Health is, of course, silent.
So, Serbian bloggers are in action again! We simply won’t let such thing like money become an obstacle for a life!
We do not expect you to give money, times are tough and we’re all struggling to survive. But we sincerely expect and hope you would consider talking to your friends and think about people or companies who might be in a position to help.
For a start, we have a painting, a present from a well-known Serbian painter. He wants to help this way too, and we’re so grateful and proud of him. His name is Sava Stojkov.
We organized a public auction. The starting price for this painting is 200 Euros. The link to bidding widget is right below the picture. You’ll find it on the top right part of the site. Unfortunately, the site is written in Serbian language only, but here’s an e-mail address to ask any question you might have.
Thank you so much in advance!
Thank you so much in advance!